Monday, September 5, 2011

Choosing a Handgun for Home Defense - Part 2 - Handgun Size

Handgun Size

There are three basic sizes to handguns, though they generally cover a broad range (specifically the full size/large and sub-compact/small). The most important consideration when choosing a handgun size, is determining what fits your hand. Looking at pictures on the internet is simply not enough to choose. You need to visit a gun store in person and hold the different handgun sizes in your hands to truly see and feel the difference(s).

Concealment and carry are another consideration when choosing a handgun size. If you plan to carry the pistol in or around your home, the size will matter. Generally, the larger the pistol, the more heavier it will be. Without a good gun belt and holster (sometimes even with) you could get fatigued and/or develop a pain from carrying around too large of a handgun for your weight/height/stature/tolerance. Concealment is another consideration if you are planning on carrying it on your person while outside of your home. Perhaps you don't want the neighbors or any passers-by to see your handgun? Handgun size will definitely be a factor in that. Please see our other post concerning choosing a handgun for carry for more detailed information in this circumstance.

Recoil is another consideration. All things the same, the larger the handgun, the less it will recoil. The larger the size, the more the recoil is able to be absorbed by the handgun. Weight also plays a role in both recoil, carry, and handgun size. All things the same, the heavier the handgun, the less it will recoil. The extra weight is able to absorb more of the recoil.

Magazine capacity is yet another consideration. Generally, the larger the pistol, the more rounds it can hold. The smaller the pistol, the less rounds it can hold.

You have to take all of these issues into consideration and determine what the best compromise is for you. And don't fool yourself, you will compromise about something when choosing your handgun.


Full-size pistols are the largest size handguns made. They can range from the decently sized:

To the slightly larger:

To the very large:

To the massive:

Compact/Medium Size

This size is the best of both world's, not too big to conceal and/or carry, not too small to be cumbersome to shoot. This size range is much less defined and definitely has a smaller amount of handguns to choose from than the other two. They can range from the:


To the slightly shorter barreled: - Springfield Armory XDm 3.8" 9MM Semi-Automatic Pistol

To the even shorter barreled, but similarly sized to the Glock 19:

To the tank of a revolver known as a: - Ruger SP101 2" .357 Magnum Double Action Revolver

Sub-Compact/Small Size

The sub-compact handgun size is the most easy to conceal and/or carry. There is quite a bit variation in this size range as well, from the: - Glock 26 9MM Semi-Automatic Pistol

To the slightly smaller and thinner: - Ruger LC9 9MM Semi-Automatic Pistol

To the pocket revolver (for some at least): - Smith & Wesson 638 .38 Special Double Action-Only Revolver

To the pocket semi-automatic pistol:

 - Ruger LCP .380ACP Semi-Automatic Pistol

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